Prioritizing Fitness

Prioritizing fitness is a vital aspect of a healthy and happy lifestyle. It not only helps to improve physical health but also contributes significantly to mental well-being. However, in today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to make fitness a priority amidst all the other responsibilities and obligations. As a night shift nurse, I work consecutive 12+ hour shifts in a row. Going to the gym and staying active can often be challenging. However, over the years, I have learned what works for me. Considering your own schedule, routine and level of discipline is important in crafting your journey to health and wellness. In this blog post, I will discuss why I prioritize fitness and provide some practical tips to help you make fitness a part of your daily routine.

Benefits of Prioritizing Fitness:

1.     Improved Physical Health: Regular exercise can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. As a bedside nurse, taking care of my body means taking care of my money maker! I fully believe that preventing injuries through strength training and understanding proper body mechanics have kept me going without a single work-related injury after all these years.


2.     Mental Health: Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and increase self-esteem. These days, nursing is almost synonymous with the term “burn-out,” or moral injury. As a healthcare professional, I am consistently exposed to emotional traumas that come with the nursing profession. My way to counteract my stressors is through physical activity.


3.     Increased Energy: Regular physical activity can improve overall energy levels and make daily tasks feel less exhausting. Personally, I function so much better at work when I work-out right before a shift. Of course, everyone is different and you must find what works for you. Nurse or not, mental clarity and energy are keys to living a life of awareness and presence.


4.     Better Sleep: Exercise can improve sleep quality and help to regulate sleep patterns. Working the night shift challenges my circadian rhythm. I truly don’t think I could have lasted this long as a night shift nurse without my workout routine.


5.     Longer Lifespan: Studies have shown that regular exercise can increase lifespan by reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall health. Not only does regular exercise increase lifespan, but also the quality of life you are living. Western medicine have contributed to longer lifespans, but what good is it if you are unable to live the life as you personally define as QUALITY OF LIFE.

Tips for Prioritizing Fitness:

1.     Schedule it in: Treat your workout like an appointment by scheduling it into your calendar. This helps you to make time for exercise and ensures that it becomes a part of your daily routine.


2.     Find a workout buddy: Having a friend or family member to exercise with can help to keep you accountable and motivated.


3.     Set realistic goals: Start small and set achievable goals that align with your fitness level. This helps to prevent burnout and allows you to gradually build up your fitness routine. If you are just getting started, forget the fad diets or the fad workouts and just set a small achievable goal. I always tell my friends that even if it means simply putting on your work out clothes, to sitting in your car, to eventually driving to the gym, to eventually spending 20 minutes at the time, to eventually creating a lifestyle of health and wellness. It has to start somewhere, and it has to be realistic. Just show up, and show up for yourself.


4.     Mix it up: Incorporate a variety of activities to keep your routine interesting and prevent boredom. Honestly, I have the attention span of a bug. I get bored easily, and I know myself enough to know that I need something new all the time. Whether it’s strength training, cross-fit classes, yoga or hopping on the Peloton bike, pick 2-3 activities that you can rotate in your week.


5.     Make it convenient: Choose a gym or fitness class that is conveniently located, or consider working out at home to save time. When it comes to fitness, technology is on our side. The internet is filled with virtual personal trainers who have their own apps or programs that you can do at home! Let’s be honest, “Not having enough time” is no longer an excuse in this day and age. Your future self will thank you later!


Prioritizing fitness is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can provide numerous physical and mental health benefits and contribute to overall well-being. By scheduling workouts into your calendar, finding a workout buddy, setting realistic goals, and making fitness convenient, you can make exercise a part of your daily routine. With commitment and dedication, prioritizing fitness can become a habit and a significant contributor to your overall health and happiness. Prioritizing fitness is prioritizing your health.


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If you have one that you love and want to share, feel free to send me a DM on Instagram @thegypsyinscrubs.

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